Instructions for presentation of candidacies - ICOH Officers and Board members, term 2024-2027
To formalize their candidacy, nominees must send one single email to by 28 July 2023 at 12 p.m. CEST. The email must include the following attachments: CV (no more than 150 words), Declaration of Form Interest (available here, written agreement of the nominee that he/she is willing to serve if elected, and endorsement emails as attachments.
Endorsements submitted in other formats (for example, emails not included in the attachments of the candidacy email and sent or forwarded separately to the ICOH Secretariat) will not be considered.
Nominees have to be supported by at least 10 members in good standing for the Board candidacy and at least 15 members in good standing for the Officers candidacy.
The Officers and the members of the Board shall be elected as set forth in the Bye-Laws for the period separating sessions of the General Assembly.
They may be re-elected to the same office for no more than one additional term, with exception of the Secretary-General, who may be elected for more than one additional term. The newly elected Officers and Board members take office at the General Assembly convened immediately after the ICOH 2024 Congress.
The next elections of ICOH Officers and Board will be held in electronic format. Based on the received candidacies, the Secretariat General will prepare the electronic ballot form, with the names of the candidates for each office in random order.