ICOH Elections for next tenure postponed

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Following the decision of the postponement of the ICOH Congress to 2022, the current ICOH Of-ficers, Board, National Secretaries and Scientific Committees Chairs and Secretaries will remain in office until the ICOH 2022 Congress, as set forth in article 5 of ICOH Constitution, that reads:

Section 2
The Officers shall be elected as set forth in the Bye-Laws for the triennial period separating sessions of the General Assembly. They may be re-elected to the same office for no more than one additional term, with the exception of the Secretary-General, who may be elected for more than one additional term. The newly elected Officers take office at the General Assembly convened immediately after the Triennial Congress. In the case of emergency or in extraordinary situations preventing the normal election procedures, the Officers remain in office until regular elections can be held.

Section 8
The members of the Board shall be elected as set forth in the Bye-Laws for the triennial period separating sessions of the General Assembly. The members of the Board may be re-elected for no more than one additional term. In the case of emergency or in extraordinary situations preventing the normal election procedures, the Board continues to function until regular elections can be held.

For reasons of management optimization, such extension will be applied also for the mandate of the National Secretaries and Scientific Committees’ Chairs and Secretaries.

As a consequence, the elections for the next tenure 2022-2024 are postponed. The election pro-cess will be initiated by no later than 6 February 2021, i.e. twelve months before the date of the Congress, in compliance with ICOH Bye-Law 6, section 1.

Further information on procedure and deadlines will be published on this website in due course.