ICOH International Congress Dublin 2018 (29th April – 4th May, 2018) 2nd Announcement release and Keynote Speakers
We are proud to announce that the 2nd Announcement of ICOH 2018 Congress has been just released. You can download the announcement from the official website of the ICOH Congress 2018 (http://www.icoh2018.org/ezines/icoh2018ezine2.html).
The theme is “Occupational Health and Wellbeing: Linking Research to practice”: the congress will be an important occasion to contribute to academic development by sharing state of the art researches, knowledge, and experience in the OSH field.
The scientific programme of the 2018 Congress has been formulated by the active participation of the 37 ICOH Scientific Committees, members of the Board and Regional/National Secretaries. The Keynote Speakers have been selected among the most prominent voices from across the globe coming together to share their experiences and perspectives in their respective fields. Over a hundred sessions of mini-symposia, special sessions, workshops and oral sessions of the Congress will provide useful insight into harmonized good occupational health practices. Keynote Speakers
Opening Keynote: Dr. Kurt Straif, France
Prof. Antonio Mutti, Italy
Dr. Bonnie Rogers, North Carolina, USA
Stefana Broadbent, UK
Leon Guo, Taiwan
Dr. Gerry Eijkemans, Mexico
John Gallagher, Ireland
Hans-Horst Konkolewsky, Switzerland
Dr. Vidyha Venugopal, India
Prof. Alison Reid, Australia