ICOH has both individual and collective members. An organisation, society, industry or enterprise may become a sustaining member of the ICOH. A professional organisation or a scientific society may become an affiliate member. Sustaining members may nominate a representative who fulfills the criteria for full membership and enjoys all the benefits of an individual member. An affiliate member may nominate one representative who fulfills the criteria for full membership and enjoys the same rights as a full member. ICOH's individual members have a wide professional distribution and include medical doctors, occupational hygienists, occupational health nurses, safety engineers, psychologists, chemists, physicists, ergonomists, statisticians, epidemiologists, social scientists and physiotherapists. These professionals work either for universities, institutes of occupational health, governments or industries.�
Individual members
Countries with GDP < 5,000 USD
Countries with GDP between 5,000 and 15,000 USD
Countries with GDP >15,000 USD
Active Members
45 CHF
72 CHF
345 CHF
Young Members < 34 years old
30 CHF
45 CHF
72 CHF
Retired Members 65 years old
30 CHF
60 CHF
90 CHF
No fee
No fee
Collective members
Countries with GDP < 5,000 USD
Countries with GDP between 5,000 and 15,000 USD
Countries with GDP >15,000 USD
800 CHF
2500 CHF
5000 CHF
* Societies with 200 or more members
660 CHF
* Societies with less than 200 members
440 CHF
Check your country GDP/pc (USD):
Source: www.undp.org (2022 GDP per capita)
Membership fees have been approved at the General Assembly held in Dublin on February 10, 2022
Individual members enjoy a substantial reduction of the registration fee of the triennial International Congresses and some other ICOH-sponsored conferences. They also enjoy 20-30% reductions of the subscription rates of international scientific journals such as Applied Ergonomics, Archives des Maladies Professionelles, Dermatoses in Beruf und Umwelt, La Medicina del Lavoro and the Scandivanian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. More journal reduction will be added.
Recently The Secretariat obtained that ICOH members will enjoy a 50% reduction in the price of all ILO publications including the Encyclopaedia on Occupational Health and CIS abstracts. Click here to go to ILO Publications website. ICOH members will be also granted a 40% reduction on all WHO information products Click here to go to WHO Online Book Store. It is required to send Copy of ICOH member cards with the orders to WHO and ILO.
Epidemiology, a monthly journal, is making a discounted subscription offer to ICOH members. Irregularly the ICOH members are offered free scientific publications mainly from the WHO, the UNEP and the CEC.
Sustaining and affiliate members can be represented in the General Assembly, and can participate in the activities of up to three of the 37 scientific committees as well as submit materials for publication in the Newsletter.
19 February 2025 Webinar, at 11.00am (Perú time), 17.00pm (Nigeria time), 21.30pm (India time) Occupational Health Risks for Migrant Workers in Informal and Low-Resource SettingsRead more
28 February 2025Verona, ItalyRadiation exposure and occupational safety & health - an international symposium of the ICOH Scientific Committee Read more