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ICOH newsletter - Volume 22 - Number 2 – August 2024

Message from the Editor

Dear ICOH members,

Welcome to the first Newsletter for the new Triennium, 2024-2027. I appreciate all the members who contribute and are concerned about the Newsletter.

The summary of the ICOH2024 Congress (thanks to the former Vice President, Ms. Claudina Nogueira) is a valuable resource for the attendees as well as those who were not able to attend. You can also find many interesting

news, including the new launching program - the ICOH webinar series, greetings and introductions from the new Scientific Committee Officers and National Secretary, members’ activity, and so on. Please find the information on the new Officers and Board members included at the end of the Newsletter.

We will continue to have exciting news to share - stay tuned!

Prof. Won-Jun Choi
Editor-in-Chief, ICOH Newsletter

The editorial planning of the ICOH Newsletter

The editorial plans for the remainder of 2023 are as follows:

  • Number 1: 1st April
    (deadline for article submission: end of February)
  • Number 2: 1st August
    (deadline for article submission: end of June)
  • Number 3: 1st December
    (deadline for article submission: end of October)