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18 - 21 November 2024 - Online course

Online workshop on ILO International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses

Organized by: ILO, ICOH, ITC-ILO Turin

  • Pneumoconioses as important occupational health problem in the world.
  • Introduction of the ILO Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconiosis.
  • Epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and clinical course of asbestos-related diseases, including lung carcinoma and mesothelioma.
  • Epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and clinical course of occupational diseases caused by silica dust including lung cancer.
  • Presentation of the ILO Classification System and demonstration of standard radiographs.
  • Reading sheet recoding in the ILO Classification - Standard films reading of the ILO Classification.
  • Standards of Quality for Radiology in Pneumoconiosis.
  • Basics of interpreting chest x-rays of workers exposed to mineral dust.
  • Examples of interstitial lung diseases with reticular or nodular pattern on chest X-ray and CT scan (mainly due to exposure to mineral dust).
  • Fundamentals and quality assurance of spirometry.
  • Application of the ILO Classification in health surveillance and medical screening of workers exposed to mineral dusts.
  • Evaluation of Pneumoconioses by HRCT including the International Classification of HRCT for Occupational and Environmental Respiratory Diseases.
  • Uncommon pneumoconiosis lung diseases.
  • Criteria for practical diagnosis of silicosis, asbestosis and coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP).
  • Examples of interstitial lung diseases with reticular or nodular pattern on chest X-ray and CT scan (mainly due to exposure to mineral dust).
  • Interactive case discussions and ILO Classification of chest x-rays from workers exposed to mineral dust.
To download the course flyer, please click here

Contact information
Contact person: Mr. Félix Martín Daza, Activity Manager, ITC-ILO
Email: spgt@itcilo.org f.martin@itcilo.org