ICOH Congress 2015 – Online abstract submission is now open

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We are pleased to inform you that online abstract submission for ICOH 2015 Congress is now open. With the theme of “Global Harmony for Occupational Health: Bridge the World”, the 2015 Congress will be an important occasion to contribute to academic development by sharing state of the art researches, knowledge, and experience in the OSH field. We warmly encourage you to submit abstracts and actively contribute to this important event.

Main topic areas include:

- Accident Prevention
- Aging and Work
- Allergy and Immunotoxicology
- Cardiology in Occupational Health
- Education and Training in Occupational Health
- Epidemiology in Occupational Health
- Health Services Research and Evaluation in Occupational Health
- History of Prevention of Occupational and Environmental Diseases
- Indoor Air Quality and Health
- Industrial Hygiene
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Nanomaterial Workers’ Health
- Neurotoxicology and Psychophysiology
- Occupational and Environmental Dermatoses
- Occupational Health Nursing
- Occupational Medicine
- Occupational Toxicology
- OH and Development
- OH for Health Care Workers
- OH in the Chemical Industry (MEDICHEM)
- OH in the Construction Industry
- Health and Safety Culture
- Radiation and Work
- Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace
- Respiratory Disorders
- Rural Health: Agriculture, Pesticides and Organic Dusts
- Shiftwork and Working Time
- Small-Scale Enterprises and the Informal Sector
- Thermal Factors
- Toxicology of Metals
- Unemployment, Job Insecurity and Health
- Vibration and Noise
- Women Health and Work
- Work and Vision
- Work Disability Prevention and Integration
- Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors
- Occupational Safety and Health in Mining
- Social Determinants and Occupational Health
- Communication in OH
- Occupational Infectious Agents
- Participatory Approaches in OH
- Elimination of Asbestos-related Diseases
- Young Workers and Child Labour

Please be aware that abstracts can only be submitted via the web submission system.
The deadline for submission is August 31, 2014.
Please refer to http://www.icoh2015.org for submission instructions and all additional information concerning provisional programme, keynote lectures, conference topics, venue, etc.

We look forward to meeting you in Seoul next year, for what we trust will be a very enjoyable and professionally rewarding experience.