ICOH webinar series – a new, free tool for ICOH members
We are pleased to announce the launch of the ICOH webinar series, covering a wide range of current topics in occupational health. ICOH members in good standing will have free access to the ICOH webinars as an additional benefit included in their ICOH membership. Non-ICOH members will be charged a small fee for participation.
The decision to establish a structured programme for this ICOH webinar series is an important contribution to the ICOH mission for the promotion of scientific progress, knowledge and development of occupational health and safety, in all its aspects. ICOH operates according to the principle of the overriding importance of increasing the knowledge of our members who are the experts, in order to face the rapidly changing world of work. We hope that the ICOH webinar series will help our colleagues in the world to build up and exchange this knowledge and experience.
We are currently shaping the programme of the ICOH webinars that will be organized during this triennium with the support of ICOH Board members and Scientific Committees. The first webinar will focus on the theme ‘Connection from occupational practice to research and global evidence. An ICOH webinar for practitioners’ and will take place on 21st October 2024 from 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. CEST. The aim is to present some important points for practitioners who are not very experienced in research: basics presentation on helping their communication (key elements on abstract), and how to use (and contribute to) reports for some agencies, social media databases, and networks. There will be time at the end for questions and answers. Registered attendees will have access to the webinar recording.
We are also pleased to announce that there will be CPD accreditation for the ICOH webinars.
We hope you will enjoy the program of the ICOH webinar series and look forward to your participation.
To register for our upcoming webinars, please visit Webinars - ICOH