27/09–2/10/1987 22nd International Congress (SYDNEY)

ORIGINAL NAME OF COMMISSION: International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH)


Prof. Sven Hernberg


Prof. Joseph Rutenfranz

Secretary General

Prof. Luigi Parmeggiani (Italy); Prof. J. Jeyaratnam


BOARD: Prof. Sven Hernberg; Prof. Luigi Parmeggiani (Italy); Prof. Jerry Jeyaratnam; Dr. E.L. Baker Jr. (USA); Miss Nancy Bundle (Australia); Prof. J.F. Caillard (France); Prof. J. Da Rocha Gomes (Brazil); Dr. J. Eustace; Prof. Vito Foà (Italy); Dr. Harald Frostling (Sweden); Prof. Nikolai Izmerov (URSS); Dr. J.L. Kearns (UK); Prof. Tor Norseth (Norway); Prof. Paul C. Rohan (Canada); Prof. N. Takemura (Japan); Mr. Geoffrey A. Taylor (Australia); Dr. M. Novo Varela (Spain); Prof. Jorma Rantanen (Finland).


Commission Components

Accident Prevention
Chair: Dr. J.A. Oppold (USA)
Secretary: Dr. J.D.G. Troup (UK)

Data Banks in Occupational Health
Chair: Dr. Parmeggiani (Svizzera)
Secretary: Dr. R. Roi (Italia)

Education and Training in Occupational Health
Chair: Prof. W.O. Phoon (Singapore)
Secretary: Prof. E.A. Emmett (USA)

Chair: Dr. J. Cabanes (Francia)
Secretary: Dr. J. Bonnell (UK)

Epidemiology in Occupational Health
Chair: Prof. S. Hernberg (Finland)
Secretary: Prof. J.M. Harrington (UK)

Ergonomics in Industry
Chair: Prof. P. Rey (Switzerland)
Secretary: Dr. C. Gross (USA)

Health Effects of Physical Environmental Factors
Chair: Prof. N.F. Izmerov (USSR)
Secretary: Dr. I. Pyykko (Finland)

Industrial Hygiene
Chair: Prof. M. Corn (USA)
Secretary: Mr. J. Lynch (USA)

Mental Health in Industry
Chair: Dr. J. Kearns (UK)
Secretary: Dr. R. Edstrom (Sweden)

Mineral Fibres
Chair: Prof I. Webster (South Africa)
Secretary: Dr. P.V. Pelnar (Canada)

Chair: Dr. R. Gilioli (Italy)
Secretary: Prof. M. Horvath (Czechoslovakia)

Chair: Ms. K. Rossi (Finland)
Secretary: Ms. B.B. Kuchinski (USA)

OH in the Chemical Industry
Chair: Sir. C. Lawrence-Jones (UK)
Secretary: Dr. R.W. Ahlberg (Finland)

OH in the Construction Industry
Chair: Dr. J. Catoir Apametra (France)
Secretary: Dr. W. Van Hof (the Netherlands)

OH in Developing Countries
Chair: Prof. J. Jeyaratnam (Singapore)
Secretary: Dr. D.I. Glass (New Zealand)

OH in the Production of Artificial Organic Fibres
Chair: Mr. D. Djuric (Yugoslavia)
Secretary: Prof. A. Cavalleri (Italy)

OH Services in Small Industries
Chair: Dr. N. Pardon (France)