14-19/09/1975 18th International Congress (BRIGHTON)

ORIGINAL NAME OF COMMISSION: Permanent Commission and International Association on Occupational Health (PCIAOH)


Prof. Enrico Vigliani
Retiring President: Prof. Leo Noro (Finland)

Secretary General

Dr. Robert Murray (UK)


BOARD: Prof. Enrico Vigliani (Italy); Dr. Robert Murray (UK); Prof. Dr. Bertram Dinman (USA); Dr. Kenneth Duncan (UK); Dr. David Ferguson (Australia); Prof. Lars Friberg (Sweden); Miss Margaret Hardy (Canada); Dr. Hans-Günther Häublein (GDR); Dr. Fina Kaloyanova (Bulgaria); Prof. Juko Kubota (Japan); Dr. Yusif Osman (Sudan); Prof. Luigi Parmeggiani (Italy); Prof. Oswaldo Paulino (Brazil); Dr. P.V. Thacker (India); Prof. A.M. Thiess (FRG); Prof. Rene Truhaut (France); Prof. Fedor Valic (Yugoslavia); Prof. R.L. Zielhuis (the Netherlands).


Absenteeism (Sickness Absence Statistics);
Behavioural Toxicology;
Byssinosis; Electropathology;
Industrial Hygiene;
Permissible Limits for Airborne Potentially Toxic Chemicals in Working Areas;
Mental Health in Industry;
Occupational Health in the Production of Artificial Fibres;
Occupational Health in the Chemical Industry (Medichem);
Occupational Health in the Construction Industry;
Occupational Health Services in Developing Countries;
Occupational Geographical Pathology;
Occupational Health in the Iron and Steel Industries;
Occupational Health Nursing;
Occupational Health Services in Small Industries;

Commission Components

Absenteeism (Sickness Absence Statistics)
Chair: Prof. O. Paulino (Brazil)
Secretary: Prof. A. Moniz (Portugal)

Chair: Prof. B. Pernis (Switzerland)
Secretary: Prof. Dr. P.V. Pelnar (Canada)

Behavioural Toxicology
Chair: Prof. Karl Bätting (Switzerland)
Secretary: Dr. M. Horvath (Czechoslovakia)

Chair: Prof. A. Bouhuys (USA)
Secretary: Mr. J. Lynch (USA)

Chair: Prof. W.R. Lee (UK)
Secretary: Dr. J. Cabanes (France)

Industrial Hygiene
Chair: Prof. F. Valic (Yugoslavia)
Secretary: Mr. R.J. Sherwood (U.K.)

Permissible Limits for Airborne Potentially Toxic Chemicals in Working Areas
Chair/Secretary: Prof. Rene Truhaut (France)

Mental Health in Industry
Chair: Dr. A. McLean (USA)
Secretary: Dr. Gunnar Nerell (Sweden)

Occupational Health in the Production of Artificial Fibres
Chair: Dr. Dusan Djuric (Yugoslavia)
Secretary: Dr. Sven Hernberg (Finland)

Occupational Health in the Chemical Industry (Medichem)
Chair: Prof. A.M. Thiess (G.F.R.)
Secretary: Dr. L. De Boer (U.K.)

Occupational Health in the Construction Industry
Chair: Prof. G. Jullien (France)
Secretary: Dr. H.G. Häublein (G.D.R.)

Occupational Health Services in Developing Countries
Chair: Dr. P.V. Thacker (India)
Secretary: Dr. P.K. Suma'mur (Indonesia)

Occupational Geographical Pathology
Chair: Prof. M. Wasserman
Secretary: Dr. B. Bedrikow (Brazil)

Occupational Health in the Iron and Steel Industries
(indications on original documents are missing)

Occupational Health Nursing
Chair: Miss. M. French (UK)
Secretary: Miss. B. Slaney (UK)

Occupational Health Services in Small Industries
Chair: Dr. N. Pardon (France)
Secretary: Dr. Y. Osman (Sudan)

Chair: Prof. L. Rosival (Czechoslovakia)
Secretary: (not indicated)

Chair: Dr. A. Swensson
Secretary: Prof. J. Rutenfranz (G.F.R.)