16-21/09/1963 14th International Congress (MADRID)

ORIGINAL NAME OF COMMISSION: Permanent Commission and International Association on Occupational Health (PCIAOH)


Prof. S. Forssman
Honorary President: Prof. Luigi Carozzi


L. Greenburg (USA); R.E. Lane (UK); A.A. Letavet (USSR); Prof. Leo Noro (Finland); J. Teisinger (Czechoslovakia).
During the Congress the new Board is elected. Profs. Greenburg, Lane and Letavet are re-elected. Two new Vice-presidents are elected: Prof. Desoille and Dr. Perales.
Hence the resulting board is the following: L. Greenburg (USA), R.E. Lane (UK), A.A. Letavet (USSR), Prof. Desoille (France) and Dr. Perales (Spain).

Secretary General

Prof. Enrico Vigliani